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Earn 8 Live CE Credits from the Comfort of Home During this Livestream Virtual CE Event from Today's RDH!
Event is Friday, December 13th. Register now to lock in your spot!
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"Today's RDH consistently puts on the best continuing education classes I have taken during my 30+ years as a dental hygienist. Their events are well organized and easy to attend. All for a very low cost. They've been my go-to CE provider for three years now, and I highly recommend them to all my dental colleagues."
~ Previous Attendee ~
Testimonial from August 23, 2024 Event
An affordable and convenient way to earn your live CE credits. Save time and money while learning with top-notch speakers presenting high-quality, relevant CE courses!
All courses are non-sponsored and focused solely on providing objective, evidence-based education.
Date: Friday, December 13, 2024
Time (please note your local time):
Location: Online from the comfort of home or anywhere you have an internet connection
Topics: Myofunctional Disorders, Human Trafficking, Local Anesthesia, and Pharmacology
Total CE Credits: 8 CE (4 live courses, 2 CE each)
Price: $69 early-bird through December 6th, $99 regular price starting December 7th
Program Provider: Today's RDH ( / prior to emailing support, please read through the FAQ below if you have any questions)
"I am always so impressed with the speakers at these events. They do a great job keeping my attention from the beginning to end. And thank you for keeping these events non-sponsored. I wish the rest of the industry would move in this direction and remove commercial bias from education."
~ Previous Attendee ~
Testimonial from August 23, 2024 Event
Pat Brinkman-Falter, RDH, MS, COM
Speaker | Myofunctional Disorders
Kandice Swarthout, RDH, LPC
Speaker | Human Trafficking
Tina Clarke, RDH, M.Ed
Speaker | Local Anesthesia
Thomas Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P.
Speaker | Pharmacology
Kara Vavrosky, RDHEP
Event Host | Kara RDH
Course Description: As highly trained dental professionals, we screen and assess for many oral disorders and health problems for optimal patient care. This course will provide insight into myofunctional therapy, which is an individualized program designed to tone and coordinate the orofacial complex. Normalizing good oral development and function includes restoring the correct functional and rest patterns of musculature affecting occlusion, breathing, swallowing, speech, and the TMJ. SPOTS is the acronym and screening tool developed by the speaker to aid the clinician in easily identifying myofunctional disorders in the clinical setting. We will look at how Speech, Posture, Occlusion, Tethered oral tissues, and Swallow (SPOTS) affect our patients.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Presenter: Pat Brinkman-Falter, RDH, MS, COM
Pat Brinkman-Falter, RDH, MS, COM, is board-certified in orofacial myology and owns Nebraska Myofunctional Specialties. She is a professional continuing education speaker on courses in airway, birth to six oral development, newborn airway development, recognizing myofunctional disorders, TMJD pain management, and tethered oral tissues.
Pat is a member of the American Dental Hygienists' Association, the International Association of Orofacial Myology, the American Academy of Physiological Medicine and Dentistry, the Association of Applied Myofunctional Sciences, and the creator of the "SPOTS" myofunctional screening tool. She has held several leadership positions within the Nebraska Dental Hygienists' Association, including president and delegate. Pat has received numerous awards, including Young Dental's Hygienists Who Make a Difference in 2013, Nebraska Dental Hygienists' Association Dental Hygienist of the Year in 2013 and 2024, the ADHA Irene Newman Outstanding Clinician Award in 2015, and the IAOM Rosemarie Van Norman Prevention Award in 2020.
Her years of experience with tongue thrust, digit sucking, TMJD, and other areas of orofacial myofunctional disorders have been hugely successful. Pat has an innovative approach, allowing the patient to achieve overall confidence by providing an individualized, positive treatment plan. Pat has practiced orofacial myology since 2008 in Central and Eastern Nebraska. She and her husband have seven children and ten grandchildren.
Credits: 2.00 CEU
Date & Time: Friday, December 13, 2024 at 9:00 am - 11:00 am Eastern (8:00 am - 10:00 am Central | 7:00 am - 9:00 am Mountain/Arizona | 6:00 am - 8:00 am Pacific)
Topic(s): Myofunctional Disorders
Instructional Method: Live Presentation
Location: Online Livestream
Prerequisites: None
Technology Requirements: Computer (recommended), tablet, or smartphone and an internet connection
Program Provider: Today's RDH (
AGD Subject Code(s): 180 Occlusion
AADH Course Code: AADHTDH-095-2024-12-2
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None disclosed
Alabama Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Alabama, webinars do not meet in-person/face-to-face CE requirements. Instead, these CE courses would be considered self-study.
California Disclaimer: Today's RDH is an approved provider by the Dental Board of California (License #6066).
Georgia Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Georgia, as of January 1, 2024, webinars do not meet in-person at an on-site course or seminar CE requirements. Instead, these CE courses would be considered self-study.
Tennessee Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Tennessee, as of July 1, 2022, a live interactive webinar is considered in-person continuing education. This amendment to the statute defines a "live interactive webinar" as an internet-based broadcast in which viewers may interact with a presenter in real time.
Course Description: Human trafficking is a rapidly increasing public health and safety issue in the United States. It is the fastest-rising commerce in the world, with over 200,000 minors at risk in the United States. People are forced into labor or sexual exploitation with deception and intimidation. It is reported that up to 80% of victims are seen by a healthcare provider while captive. Often, victims will not identify themselves as such due to the fear of being further abused by their captors.
Dental care providers are perfectly positioned to identify the signs and report suspected human trafficking. By educating dental clinicians, victims of trafficking may be more likely to be rescued and receive the appropriate resources for recovery. This course will define types of trafficking, differentiate between sex trafficking and sex work, identify at-risk populations, describe how to identify and report trafficked patients, and discuss trauma-informed care.
This course is approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission in accordance with House Bill 2059, 86th Session, 2019.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Presenter: Kandice Swarthout, RDH, LPC
Kandice Swarthout, RDH, LPC, is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Registered Dental Hygienist. She is a full-time dental hygiene educator in Texas, where she teaches community dentistry and research. Kandice is the owner of Inspired Education & Wellness, where she is a speaker, writer, and private practice therapist. Her unique blend of clinical expertise in both dental hygiene and mental health equips her to assist fellow health care professionals in recognizing not only their patients' needs but also their own, fostering deeper connections with the health care community.
Kandice's dedication extends to her role as an approved provider for Texas Health and Human Services, specializing in human trafficking training for healthcare providers.
Additionally, Kandice brings a touch of fun and camaraderie to the dental community as the co-owner of Muffins & Mimosas Dental Study Club. She offers engaging, in-person dental continuing education that creates a warm and welcoming environment for friends and colleagues to come together to learn.
Read her articles in Today's RDH column, Mental Health Spotlight. Contact Kandice through her website at or on social media @TheCounselorHygienist.
Credits: 2.00 CEU
Date & Time: Friday, December 13, 2024 at 11:15 am - 1:15 pm Eastern (10:15 am - 12:15 pm Central | 9:15 am - 11:15 am Mountain/Arizona | 8:15 am - 10:15 am Pacific)
Topic(s): Human Trafficking
Instructional Method: Live Presentation
Location: Online Livestream
Prerequisites: None
Technology Requirements: Computer (recommended), tablet, or smartphone and an internet connection
Program Provider: Today's RDH (
AGD Subject Code(s): 166 Human Trafficking
AADH Course Code: AADHTDH-096-2024-12-2
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None disclosed
Alabama Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Alabama, webinars do not meet in-person/face-to-face CE requirements. Instead, these CE courses would be considered self-study.
California Disclaimer: Today's RDH is an approved provider by the Dental Board of California (License #6066).
Georgia Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Georgia, as of January 1, 2024, webinars do not meet in-person at an on-site course or seminar CE requirements. Instead, these CE courses would be considered self-study.
Tennessee Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Tennessee, as of July 1, 2022, a live interactive webinar is considered in-person continuing education. This amendment to the statute defines a "live interactive webinar" as an internet-based broadcast in which viewers may interact with a presenter in real time.
Texas Disclaimer: This course is approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission in accordance with House Bill 2059, 86th Session, 2019.
Course Description: Understanding which anesthetic is best for your patient can be challenging, especially when so many options are available. This intermediate-level course guides the learner through the science of anesthetics used in dentistry, including non-injectable and injectable, and which option is best for the procedure.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Presenter: Tina Clarke, RDH, M.Ed
Tina Clarke, RDH, M.Ed, is the leading voice in anesthesia dental education. From head and neck anatomy, health histories, and practical tips and tricks to getting anesthesia right every time, Tina employs adult learning principles, equipping her course attendees for success.
A nationally published author, speaker, certified CPR instructor, and founder of Teacher Tina RDH, she keeps her skills and knowledge current while continuing to serve the profession as a clinician, educator, trainer, and speaker. Tina is an approved provider by the Oregon and Georgia Board of Dentistry to provide education for the initial permit for local anesthesia and the American Academy of Dental Hygiene as a continuing education provider.
Her teaching, training, and presenting style is upbeat and fun, making even the most difficult topics a delight to learn.
Tina has been a clinical dental hygienist for over 20 years and an educator for nearly 15. She received her bachelor's degree in dental hygiene in 2001 and her master's degree in education in 2013.
Credits: 2.00 CEU
Date & Time: Friday, December 13, 2024 at 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern (12:30 pm - 2:30 pm Central | 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Mountain/Arizona | 10:30 am - 12:30 am Pacific)
Topic(s): Local Anesthesia
Instructional Method: Live Presentation
Location: Online Livestream
Prerequisites: None
Technology Requirements: Computer (recommended), tablet, or smartphone and an internet connection
Program Provider: Today's RDH (
AGD Subject Code(s): 340 Anesthesia
AADH Course Code: AADHTDH-097-2024-12-2
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Tina has an affiliation and/or a financial interest with Septodont, DentalPost, Safco Dental Supply, Kettenbach Dental, and Teacher Tina RDH LLC.
Alabama Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Alabama, webinars do not meet in-person/face-to-face CE requirements. Instead, this CE course is considered self-study.
California Disclaimer: Today's RDH is an approved provider by the Dental Board of California (License #6066).
Georgia Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Georgia, as of January 1, 2024, webinars do not meet in-person at an on-site course or seminar CE requirements. Instead, this CE course is considered self-study.
Tennessee Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Tennessee, as of July 1, 2022, a live interactive webinar is considered in-person continuing education. This amendment to the statute defines a "live interactive webinar" as an internet-based broadcast in which viewers may interact with a presenter in real time.
Course Description: Dental professionals must frequently draw upon their knowledge of pharmacology for optimal care of today's medically complex dental patients. However, pharmacology often represents only a small portion of most dental degree programs. Armed with a relatively brief exposure to this vast subject, many dental professionals simply cannot keep up with the latest trends in disease state management.
This comprehensive course explores the dental implications of prescription medications, non-prescription medications, herbal products, nutritional supplements, and substances of abuse most frequently used by patients. Participants receive this essential information in a format that is not only practical and applicable but also highly entertaining for the entire dental team.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Presenter: Thomas Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P.
With over 30 years of experience as a board-certified pharmacist, clinical educator, professional speaker, and published author, Tom Viola has earned his international reputation as the go-to specialist for making pharmacology practical and useful for all members of the dental team. As the founder of Pharmacology Declassified, Tom's mission is to provide clinicians with valuable insight into the dental considerations of general medicine as well as the medical considerations of general dentistry. As an award-winning educator, Tom is a member of the faculty of 15 dental professional degree programs. As a widely published author, Tom is well known for his contributions to several professional journals and pharmacology textbooks and currently serves as a consultant to the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs. As an award-winning speaker, Tom has been recognized by many organizations and associations as one of the most sought-after lecturers in dentistry and has presented over 1000 informative and engaging continuing education seminars and webinars to dental professionals since 2001.
Credits: 2.00 CEU
Date & Time: Friday, December 13, 2024 at 3:45 pm - 5:45 pm Eastern (2:45 pm - 4:45 pm Central | 1:45 pm - 3:45 pm Mountain/Arizona | 12:45 pm - 2:45 pm Pacific)
Topic(s): Pharmacology
Instructional Method: Live Presentation
Location: Online Livestream
Prerequisites: None
Technology Requirements: Computer (recommended), tablet, or smartphone and an internet connection
Program Provider: Today's RDH (
AGD Subject Code(s): 010 Basic Sciences
AADH Course Code: AADHTDH-098-2024-12-2
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None disclosed
Alabama Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Alabama, webinars do not meet in-person/face-to-face CE requirements. Instead, this CE course is considered self-study.
California Disclaimer: Today's RDH is an approved provider by the Dental Board of California (License #6066).
Georgia Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Georgia, as of January 1, 2024, webinars do not meet in-person at an on-site course or seminar CE requirements. Instead, this CE course is considered self-study.
Tennessee Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Tennessee, as of July 1, 2022, a live interactive webinar is considered in-person continuing education. This amendment to the statute defines a "live interactive webinar" as an internet-based broadcast in which viewers may interact with a presenter in real time.
Do these CEs meet the requirements for my state?
Are these CE courses considered "live" or "in-classroom?"
Are these CE courses truly live and not pre-recorded?
When will I receive an email with links to each course to log on?
How do I get my CE certificate/proof of completion? Will it be emailed?
Are there test questions at the end of each course?
Is it mandatory to fill out the course evaluations to receive CE credit?
Will this be offered on any other days besides the day listed?
When is your next live virtual CE event going to be?
Why is this event on a Friday?
Why aren't these CE courses free?
What is the latest to sign up?
Are there breaks?
What if I only want a couple of the courses being offered?
Do I have to sit and watch the whole thing? Can I attend this CE event if I'm at work?
Are there refunds?
Can we sign up as a group, or does everyone need to sign up separately?
Are these courses only for hygienists, or can doctors and dental assistants take them, too?
Is there a cap on the number of attendees?
What is the processing fee?
Do I have to watch this on a laptop?
What happens if I get disconnected?
Are these CEs reported to CE Broker?
Can the course presenters hear or see me?
Will closed captioning be available during this event?
If you are having difficulties registering on this page, please register directly on the Eventbrite page here.
Today's RDH Dental CE at Home continuing education (CE) courses meet the standards for approval with ADA CERP, AGD PACE, and AADH. CE Certificates of Completion for the live courses will be sent out within 7 days of the conclusion of the event after attendance and purchase is verified by Today's RDH.
Alabama Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Alabama, webinars do not meet in-person/face-to-face CE credit requirements. Instead, these CE courses would be considered self-study.
California Disclaimer: Today's RDH is an approved provider by the Dental Board of California (License #6066).
Georgia Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Georgia, as of January 1, 2024, webinars do not meet in-person at an on-site course or seminar CE requirements. Instead, these CE courses would be considered self-study.
Tennessee Disclaimer: If you are licensed in Tennessee, as of July 1, 2022, a live interactive webinar is considered in-person continuing education. This amendment to the statute defines a "live interactive webinar" as an internet-based broadcast in which viewers may interact with a presenter in real time.
Texas Disclaimer: The human trafficking course is approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission in accordance with House Bill 2059, 86th Session, 2019.
Refund Policy: Event tickets are refundable (minus Eventbrite fees) through December 6, 2024. Starting December 7, 2024, tickets are non-refundable. Reply to your confirmation email prior to December 7, 2024 to request a refund.
Contact: Need any help? Contact and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you are having difficulties registering on this page, please register directly on the Eventbrite page here.
© 2024 TRDH Educational Publishing LLC d/b/a Today's RDH